Find out your sharepoint WebID, SiteID and ListID

You can do all of this without being an admin

List Id is easy: Go to a list, switch to classic mode, Click Library->Edit Library – your id is in the URL between %7B abd %7D (%7D is at the end of the url most likely). Those % items represent { and } respectively

Site ID: If your site is https// then add _api/site/id into a new tab in your browser and press enter. Your answer should be there. (Your browser will do a GET to the REST import will do a simple GET to the sharepoint get the site ID using REST)

WebID: Kinda lame once you know the site ID trick. just add _api/web/id.

This has become less exciting now that I know how. The reason I wrote this post is tehre are TONNES of resources on how to get these if your an admin or if you sharepoint powershell works – but adding the words to google “not as an administrator” got me these answers quick.

References: this guy, this chrome extension and this guy are my heros for this.