VSTO to VBA Guideline to Compile and Test

Common Error when compiling the VBA using the VSTO is found here. In order to fix it, I changed the long parameter in the VSTO to Int32. Then the VBA compiled fine.

Have to close excel in order to build the project.

Don’t need a public interface. Only these lines of code before the public worksheet object:


In order to add a reference to the VSTO you must click on “Register for COM interop”. This creates a .tbl file that is the reference that you need to add in order to use the VSTO. The “Register for COM interop” is found i the Project Properties -> Build -> Output.

Once the reference is added (you may have to check it as well) to Excel, hit “F2” from the VBA code which opens the Object Browser. Navigate to the VSTO class and check that none of the Members has “Unknown” as a property. If so, then this is due to an improper variable type. See the Compatible Variable Types between VBA and VSTO link. Fix any unknown types in the VSTO code and recompile.

In VBA I received the following error:


In order to fix this, instead of using a cast to (Int32), I used Convert.ToInt32.