What route to choose. There are really only 2 options
- Sole Proprietership (also called Trade Name) and Incorporated. Here is how to choose. You do not want any of the other options due to the risk involved.
- click on the sub-links and it has all the how to steps on getting things done
- Canada Government resources
- self employed …
- GST section is most important
- Do I need a GST Number? Use this online tool.
- To register
- How to charge GST
- After you register for GST – they have made it easy to understand what to do next
- Important Dates if you own your own company
- Book Keeping 101
- tips
- online calculators
- some basic spreadsheets for
- stuff you spend $$ on
- splitting out
- the GST (basically it is a running total. How much GST to collect, how much stuff did you expense that you can take off that GST)
- categories
- stuff you can claim (eg. $500 for gift cards in some instances, meals is 50% deductible, computer is 100% but over X years etc. etc.)
- automobile – miles or $$ and %driven
- reading
- record keeping for small business
- Dummies(c) book for Canadian book keeping