Ahh – super easy to understand. I already knew this – but a refresher to say “do what you have been doing” is always reassuring. HOWEVER …. this is a nice website to read and understand for those dicey situations. http://githubtraining.com/fix-merge-conflict-git-using-sourcetree/
Git force reset – a stackoverflow of a gazzilion good ideas
I needn’t say more. Here is the link. In specific – this part of the conversation allowed me to keep changes that were NOT part of the other guy’s work AND force his stuff on top of mine. I was fiddling (to keep him working), he was working on the real stuff. HOWEVER, I had a problem pushing – so this link helped with that part. Put them together and here is the final set of commands in my context on my branch … Continue reading
Filemaker shows hope for uploading large file – fmAjax? Awesome
I don’t want to upload one record at a time, I want to do them all – so that is like a transaction. It either works or it doesn’t. Here is a genius who has lego’ed a few interesting things together. He uses a webviewer and ajax to communicate files through the temp directory. These might be the droids I was looking for. My question is, can I preemptively put a file in the temp directory and trigger Ajax to upload it somewhere? Here? I will post any updates here… see you soon.
Long Names for Angular Apps and SourceTree and/or Git
Windows of course … cd to the directory and type
git config core.longpaths true
Now you can add AngularJS apps with their >12000 file node dependancies
angular and servicestack in .net – changing the root path is a nightmare
OK – first, it is because all these great tools are assuming the root url is /. They all give part of the picture, but they don’t know the whole story. Neither do did I. But do I google root uri, base url, AHHHH! Anyways, lets document this so I don’t and you don’t have to go nuts and google for hours like I did.
First – I am using ServiceStackVS 4.x, and it is an angular (not MVC – that might be a mistake) app. I want
- myweb.com/myApplication/myServices for the services and
- myweb.com/myApplication for the application.
So for ServiceStack (I installed the extension ServiceStackVS into Visual Studio 2013) …
- – change the web.config line from a “*” to “myApplication/myServices*” in the lines that look like:
GitIgnore for Visual Studio development (c#)
Ok, so I am going crazy. A prototype project works, then it doesn’t work, and apparently I clicked a button in the project properties called “Create Virtual Directory”. Don’t click that (you edit a file to mess with IIS Express to undo it). Now that things are working – I still want to fiddle til it is just right, but since I don’t know what is changing underneath. Well lets get Git involved so we can store our files and see what file changes affect what. But … what to upload!? If we include a gitignore in the first place, we can reduce the uploaded files a lot. But what to include? This article led me to a few options. There is an online generator but I chose the VS2013 recommendations from Microsoft’s site. I also added node_modules/ as if you need the node modules, it should be as easy as going to that directory and typing npm install
ServiceStack – how to get it on your .NET projects
So I am using service stack with node quite successfully – but now I have to make some services. Why not use ServiceStack since its reputation and ease of use (in node anyways) is super easy. Lets get going recording the steps I took – cause I likely won’t remember it otherwise.
- make a new project (I chose blank)
- add service stack to your project OR … get the template (so skip this step) and it will be added automatically
- install the ServiceStackVS templates and make your 1st project
- I made my first app with it as per the demos at the bottom.
- I added to the main app – Swagger UI – which allows easy testing and documentation for the services. All I had to do was search for “Configure(” and add the code the recommend, add a using…. statement (as per the intellisense when it did not compile – yes I am very lazy/efficient)
- Bingo – up and running. Lets get to work (and it does)
My experience of my first VSTO instead of VBA plugin.
The first plug in I am to design in VSTO (not VBA is what that means) is to have the user mark up a document with bookmarks – a set of bookmarks that leads you along. The bookmarks are to be named in a very specific format. The tool will force the user to use the “select first” type bookmark. You can toggle the viewing of bookmarks as well.
How to Create Add-Ins Using VSTO in MS-Word – this gets one started.It is VS2010 and I am using VS 2013 – but it gives a really good view of adding a ribbon item, using forms and making it all work. Ok – I tried it – this is like trying to kill a mosquito with a elephant gun – but that is what corporate wants. Every time you click “run” it starts a new version of Word. This means that you have to load the document of interest every time. In VBA – you “run” from the context you are already in <- RIGHT THERE IS THE CRUX of my axe griding as well as VBA on the fly debugging on ANYONE”S MACHINE. Alas…
Rechargeable Battery Chargers – Lead Acid
if you know how they work, one can then understand how they fit into a Solar Power application so we can convince ourselves that the lower price is indeed worth it or if we should invest in a future battery.
So why lead acid … that is so yesterday? Ok – here is an Li-ion link. Lead acid is cheap and Li-Ion is 4x the price (go look!) and Lead Acid is a well understood technology that takes abuse well. It took L-ion 40 years to get where it is and it was finicky. Lead Acid is much heavier is the downside. Sorry Tesla – you will have to wait for my lucky bucks for my wall mounted unit. Li-Ion are the correct choice for cars (a topic for another blog day) – but Solar … not yet. Chargers for Lead Acid – here’s the scoop.
Solar, where do I get started?
First, get a design. Now I had a design in my last article, but I have not vetted it with any standards. I think I have little or no room to physically walk around on the roof, which you need – so I might need to augment my design to 2 less panels etc. You have to have all your equipment known and their certifications checked for your area – so you need to have your money on the table so to speak if you are going to do this. I am not quite there yet, but if I was… keep reading.
But, here are some links if you live in Calgary, AB, Canada. My WSP (wire service provider) is ENMAX and here is their Residential Renewable Generator Checklist. In that checklist are other sources for the organizations that govern all this for safety and orderly conduct (in my case the Alberta Utilities Commission micro-generator application guideline.