Getting an IIS website ready

James’ updated instructions for dealing with a new website with IIS


******Possible troubleshooting

  • it is possible that IIS manager may create the pool application for you; if it does it is possible that it may create this in version 2.0 of .NetFramework. Instead make this version 4

– Websiite
– install IIS
– make a dir c:\inetpub/wwwroot/fabchoice/showSsImages
– the website root is c:\inetpub/wwwroot/fabchoice and the app is showSsImages now slide this into root.
– change default website to port 81 to make room for our new service
– enable directory browsing in iis manager. This can allow you to test, but this has to be disabled later.
– if you suspect someone is already using port 80 – you can make OUR items appear on port 81 then
– make new website Fabchoice
– add an app of the showSsImages
– make an app pool ‘fabchoice’ and have run as appoolidentity
– set and recurse permissions for IIS_IUSRS and NETWORK SERVICE for the files including and beneath
i) c:\inetpub/wwwroot/fabchoice
ii) your SsData directory (often this is c:\SsData – but it could be anywhere depending on your client)
iii) full permissions for this user on the webroot\showSsImages\SSImageCache

– ensure that the SS large data store has IIS_IUSRS and NETWORK SERVICE as full write permissions – most likely on need read

– install IIS – might need to reinstall it and re-register ASPX 4.0 it… as per
– install viewer
– SS password for sa is Sunrise1 normally or Slabsmith1 is an alternative
– at Blasius – I had thFabchoiceis error “
Handler “PageHandlerFactory-Integrated” has a bad module “ManagedPipelineHandler” in its module list
” and this fixed it
At Blasius – there were no locations. So – until this is addressed – we need to add one time and click ‘apply’. Call it test


AWS Backup scripts

So, moving off to the cloud for some clients. Here is an article that helps “roll your own” backup of AWS servers using AMI (AWS Machine Images). It deletes old backups etc. What I really like about the article is it tells us that we have to understand the manual process first and it leads one through two different scenarios of a snapshot backup and an AMI backup BEFORE instructing one to install the CLI (command line interface) and roll your own unix scripts. Articles follow. Know how each affects costs – EBS? S3? Your own? How much your ISP will charge for transferring and how long it will take etc. etc. Continue reading


The following is a way to move from CSV to XML Node. If one were to want to manually structure an xml node,  there is an alternative way to create xml nodes from CSV files that is fast and easy and can be done in the following form:

Dim ReferenceToElement as XElement =


<%= From strings In StringArray

Let fields = Split(strs, “,”)



<column1><%= fields(0)%></column1>




This takes in a string taken from the csv file and put in an array called String Array. This then only takes the first item (fields 0), and puts it in the column of the new xelement. Then once this is done the xelement must be converted into a node.  And this is done in the following code:

Dim xn As XmlNode = XmlDoc.ReadNode(ReferenceToElement.CreateReader)

Now xn can be inserted as a new child or any other task that would need to be done with a xml node. This method allows direct control over the structure of the node without the complexity of creating a table and allows for very fast manipulation of data into a xml node. This is to the advantage of the user as the nodes are a very easy way to insert data into a xml document. Situations could be adding text to an html email or manipulation of data on a website. The most relevant website for this would be the Microsoft developer network on the subject.

New Backup Philosophy … no more direct SMB connecting – SSH/SFTP

It might be better to “pull” things from a server for backup , but pushing is much easier to setup. So … I looked into things and connecting to  a Z drive COULD be dangerous. One Encryption-Ransomware makes it a first priority to kill off the backup drive, then encrypt the files. So any drive that is connected as a Z drive (for example) would either be encrypted or wiped. So how best to protect? Well what about (s)ftp? Better, but it could overwrite old backups. So 2 fold … backup NOT via SMB and then have a 2nd “last backup” as well. Drop box does this  but it is expensive to have dropbox for that large and to have ‘history’ turned on – but it DOES WHAT WE NEED!! What I did was install WinSCP and have it use a queue and when the queue is empty – it shuts WinSCP down. Simple, drag and drop. Yes it is not automatic, so what i have is the backups being stored on a simple hard drive – the WRONG way, but then I take that backup and WinSCP it off as my historical copy alongside the other historical folders. That 2nd computer, if there is a fire, should be offsite or across the building minimizing the chances of a complete disaster. Beats tape rotations. Fire safe, secure, encryption proof (within a week) and an offsite rotation if the customer wishes by taking the local hard drive weekly (if you can find the J personality style who will do that religiously)

Windows Server (SBS) bloats often like a little kid who needs his nose CONSTANTLY wiped. Drives me nuts

Ok – so the SBS server is FULL AGAIN. WHAT NOW!?? I deleted exchange clear off it – so it is not those logs, disabled IIS – so not those logs – WHAT NOW!? SBS Monitoring. OK – so follow this 1 (or two once you get in there) and clear out the temp files in

  1. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data

I had to pay attention to the note at the bottom to enable the .ps1 file.

Also there is a temp.mdf – that too is MASSIVE. Look at properties of the System Databases -> TempdB and see if the ‘large file’ is the one you think it is (there is a file path) Then Follow these instructions … note that a detail is missing on where sqlservr.exe is located – see here.

Don’t forget that to find large files SUPER fast – use Windirstat.exe – cause it is awesome (awesome like Notepad++ and Beyond Compare – yes… that cool!!!)

oVPN add Ubuntu endpoint and setup client

I had a need to install something for a client to avoid using RDP port 3389 as Microsoft has a vulnerability and people can exploit it. Now with crypto viruses on the rise, it is never too late to lock things down. Also now that heart bleed is solved – we can get back to this method. This was BEYOND a super explanation that really made my day (it was a long few days) . It is long, but … copy/paste things in and voila – end point complete.

SPF Records – why and how

Finally an article that explains it. Microsoft has rules that mark incoming mail as spam even tough, as humans we would prefer to see the emails without the spam warning. Enter SPF. If you have a microsoft email – it is quite an ordeal.