RAID references that I find useful

I am keeping it simple – this is reference that helps me explain things for myself and for my customers. Situation: why do I need RAID 5 when we have 2 NAS’s – it already has redundancy/backup. RAID 5 is not being used for redundancy – it is used to lower the overall cost of a system you know WILL fail 1 day (these hard drive are quite hot and are mechanical devices)

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CPU comparisons – a site I like better – even if it looks old school

I use cpuboss alot but lately it doesn’t deliver or have as many CPU’s I have been looking for lately – but its google ranking is killer – so it is at the top. I am looking up a new QNAP for a client and wanted to compare it with the current QNAP he has. CPU boss also hasn’t helped me with a pfsense NUC either so again I had a hard time. Is it because they are Since they are embedded CPU’s – they have odd names (especially AMD ones) but … are they good? How do they line up with lets say a Gen 4 i7? I don’t know – but these guys at CPU Benchmark do! You can compare the 2 QNAPs here as well – take a look.

Notes about installing SSL the long and hard way

Now GoDaddy offers experts to install your SSL for you and do audits etc. This means things are getting serious on the net and the news on the radio supports that.  But I thought, why is there so much difficulty in installing SSL? Well, it isn’t that difficult but there are a lot of things to know – that is likely what it is all about.

My challenge to myself is that if we generate a CSR on one computer (in this case unix) – how do we get it to a whole different platform (in this case windows IIS)? The process is not hard, it is the research to understand it all. Now I have it here for reference for future endeavours. Continue reading

Auto-refresh when the activity was successful

There is a difference between closing the window when things went well (usually a button at the lower or upper right) and when we just close the dialog (the x in the upper corner). When things went well and we close the window we should auto-refresh

The google search it came from:


This guy goes further so you can pass a “success” (1) or “just close” (0) back to the parent window/callback function that we don’t have yet. Continue reading

Sharepoint – add doc entry as placeholder long before real unknown-type arrives

So “we must use Sharepoint – it is our corporate answer for everything” … Ok, but it is the wrong tool for … never mind – lets just get a solution and in doing so a lot of learning results … and ALOT did. Lets state that

  • SharePoint assumes you have the document and its type (eg. pdf, xlsx etc.) BEFOREHAND – this is not our case
  • a lot of programmatic ways of getting info into SharePoint have their nuances, advantages and disadvantages. Some are being phased out or already are

In our example we do NOT have the document before hand NOR do we know what the document from our vendors might be. It might a pdf, might be excel or might be word. We have a Document Library and the admin staff will be editing various dates (columns) long before the docs come in all the way. To start, this SharePoint placeholder list is auto-generated from an excel spreadsheet that states project, placeholder name,  code and how many of that item we should make in SharePoint . Continue reading

Regex for VBA’s annoying habit of not knowing where itself is

VBA has an annoying habit of not knowing where “V.B.A.” is located – and, for example, on SOME machines – it can’t find the reference to common functions like “Left()”. Seriously!?. So adding VBA. as a prefix helps that. What is really going on is on some people’s computer it is looking for the office library first and then the VBA library and other computers do it in the reverse order. For example – it will say variable = Left(othervar,1) is illegal but if you put VBA.Left(othervar,1) . Other examples are Environ$( or Left$(, Mid, Right, Asc, Hex, Chr . It is annoying and it only shows up when other computers go to use it. Here is a regex that helps find them all.
