A list of projects and tinkering done by ELB Solutions.com Inc.
- comment lines. There can be too much – but not likely – comment, comment comment
- use camelCase for variables – classes – use a capital letter to start
- avoid underscores
- never use spaces
- prefix all functions with elb_ or your company name
- document with pictures
- use a blog
- if you store pictures, do so in an easy to transport tool like powerpoint – because everyone has this as a tool
- all code should be version controlled. If you don’t have one, download SourceTree a github.
- where possible feed in only human understandable variables -the least possible
- these variables should be well documented via a blog and this url linked into the code comments at the top.
- let your computer program do all the hard work with math
- there will be some hardcoding like the thickness of a peice of metal – however, with “hardcoding”
- avoid it when possible
- never hardcode in-line but abstract a niceVariableNameWithCamelCase and then assign the hardcoding to that. Use this variable over and over.
- put all you hardcoded variables at the top of your routine
Items must be back by Tues. December 15th. And thank you for helping out your neighbours in need this year. Dismiss