Automating “Command line only” operations in AutoCAD – some tips

Over the past 6 months, I have had to resort to command line options for plugins from CadWorx and others. The one was 2DREPH and I wanted to do it on X viewports. I had these viewports in an array, but how can I make a command line string that would consistently work? Well, it came down to making a selection set, then making a group with the same name (prefixed with lets say “GRP”), then using the commandline selection based on group. So, for instance, when prompted for objects here is a selection example:

“SELECT G GRPMYFAVGROUP  ” (note the 2 spaces at the end)

Handy. I then deleted the group to put things back to the way they were.Why? Well… Continue reading

AutoCad XData Organization And Refresher – CadWorx

So I am working with CadWorx. I needed a refresher on my Autocad XData – I suspected that is where the data was stored as CadWorx files seem to have a 3D shape and a line grouped together … but why? Well, the line had XDATA attached to it was my suspicion and I was right. Here are some links that I found helpful to get me re-oriented after 4 years of needing this info …

Restful Service Help

Here are some websites with tips on how to make Restful Services.