Debugging Bonita – Tips and Tricks

To see the Bonita Engine Log for debugging issues:

  • Use Cygwin (a version of a unix shell in windows)
  • use the tail program with this line of code
    tail /cygdrive/c/BOS-5.9/studio/workspace/.metadata/engine.log --lines=300 –follow

Insert an HTML widget for debugging

  • In the pool header – I have created a global map called “configMap” and there is an item ‘debug’
  • insert HTML widget into any page and have it shown conditionally upon configMap[‘debug’] having a true value

Writing to the Bonita Log


import org.slf4j.Logger;

import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
LOGGER.error("Your String Here");

Debugging on the Server

Here is what I do know … there is hope and things are NOT the same as on a development  computer or situation

  • The debug output from System.out.printn from Java DOES go into 1 of 3 logs (will edit this when I get paths)
  • The output from the logging routine above goes to another log (will edit this when I get paths)
  • The output from the server hosting things like Tomcat goes to a 3rd log (will edit this when I get paths)