Report Services & SQL Server install and set up for use with Bentley AutoPLANT

I am using report services to publish my reports instead of using Crystal Reports for many Bentley AutoPLANT items. Here is my journey over the past couple of weeks:

Install the Tools

If you set up SQL Express with Advanced Services – this is 2008 (download link) – not 2008 R2 (download link). If you are going to back up a Bentley AutoPLANT database – you can NOT restore a 2008 R2 database to a 2008 server, you have to use another method.

  • To make reports, you can use Business Intelligence which comes with SQL 2008 Express with Advanced Services (thanks Geordie Guenther!)
  • A co-worker recommended a really easy tool to make reports that got me 90% of the way (but not advanced) called Microsoft Report Builder 2.0 (there is a 3.0 but we are still in a 2008 SQL Server world). I really like Bus. Intell because it is like Visual Studio and you can do much more.

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