Quickbooks mulit-user mode service QuickbooksDB23 stopped? (again)?

OK – so the solution is to “start the stopped service”. Well – I know that – but why is it stopped and better yet – after a re-boot – when it is marked as “Startup:Automatic” why does it not start? Simple – when all other services work properly – it is a Quickbooks or Intuit bug. Simple.

But – the answer everywhere on the net is “just start it”. There is a good write up if you are using single mode vs. a copy on the server running it too – but nothing helpful as to “why doesn’t it just work”. I will add a part later on that has a remotely start-able shortcut for my customers. More to come after I develop it. For now, your customers will have to call you and ask “why can’t I open it in multi-user mode”.