Ping every IP in a subnet to find that ‘one that got away’ (DOS)

First, I didn’t need to find this – I blogged a javascript version long ago, but I forgot I blogged it. I thought it was pre-blogging.  Here is a DOS version too. Someone complained it was slow, but copy, paste into notepad, change the line below “Please enter IP address range (for example, 192.168.0)” (remove the /p) and run it. Answer in less that 3 minutes. Here it is.

I did change a couple other lines cause I wanted to see the results – not just look in the created file. Change the 2 lines into 4 …


IF %errorlevel%==0 echo %subnet%.%count% UP >> c:\pingnet.log
IF %errorlevel%==0 echo %subnet%.%count% UP
IF %errorlevel%==1 echo %subnet%.%count% DOWN >> c:\pingnet.log
IF %errorlevel%==1 echo %subnet%.%count% DOWN
