Make your IIS website use https or SSL on an alternate port

Here are the main items you need to know:

  1. set up your new site, adjust NTFS security settings on the directory for the app pool you are using
  2. install self-signed certificate – I am using 7.5 – so it is SUPER easy (yes – something in IIS is easy)
    1. if you are installing a real certificate – use this link
  3. adjust bindings on your new site and use a new port (click on site, then on the far right – click bindings and
    1. add a new https with the new port and …
    2. use your new SSL certificate on the new port you are binding
  4. reconfigure your router to point your new SSL/secure port for external access
  5. Use a redirect or two to get http traffic to your new https address and port