angular and servicestack in .net – changing the root path is a nightmare

OK – first, it is because all these great tools are assuming the root url is /. They all give part of the picture, but they don’t know the whole story. Neither do did I. But do I google root uri, base url, AHHHH! Anyways, lets document this so I don’t and you don’t have to go nuts and google for hours like I did.

First – I am using ServiceStackVS 4.x, and it is an angular (not MVC – that might be a mistake) app.  I want

  • for the services and
  • for the application.

So for ServiceStack (I installed the extension ServiceStackVS into Visual Studio 2013) …

  • – change the web.config line from a “*” to “myApplication/myServices*” in the lines that look like:

[xml]<br data-mce-bogus="1">

<add path="myApplication/myServices*" type="ServiceStack.HttpHandlerFactory, ServiceStack" verb="*"/>



  • Then add the HandlerFactoryPath to look like (in AppHost.cs)

[c language=”#”]</pre>
SetConfig(new HostConfig
DebugMode = AppSettings.Get("DebugMode", false),
AddRedirectParamsToQueryString = true,
HandlerFactoryPath = "myApplication/myServices"

Now for the angular/web part

  • edit all the templateUrl: items to NOT have a / at the front. So all the /partials become partials
  • in all your controllers.js – you have to remove the / and add the myServices so for example, the default hello example on the web … $http.get(/hello/ becomes $http.get(myServices/hello/
  • default.cshtml now edits
    • all the href links and add a <base href=”/docSnibbets/” /> in the <head> section quite near the top (after title and before anything useful happens).
    • all the src attributes to REMOVE the /
      • in the <head>
      • AND (important) in the <body> sections

Is this the final server (eg are you publishing?) add the npm stuff…

  • on the publish server – do you see a node_modules folder after you publish? Likely not.
  • SOOOO . install nodejs on the target computer to which you are publishing to
  • go to the inetpub/…../myApplication directory and type “npm install”
    • it looks at the package.json file and does all the magic for you

The main project’s properties

  • edit the main project’s properties
    • click on the Web tab in Visual Studio
    • add /myApplication to the end of the ProjectUrl so it becomes http://localhost:28032/myApplication
    • copy this to the CHECKED Override application root URL
      • http://localhost:28032/myApplication
    • Now … change the port by adding one ***THIS IS THE IMPORTANT BIT ***

AHHH! It finally works (assuming you set the permission properly 🙂 )